Why spend large amounts of money on furniture that isn't what you really want or need?... when you can have artistic pieces custom built to fit exactly what you desire, for inside your home or out on your patio.
There is an organic look, feel and texture that can be achieved with cast concrete furniture that is unmatched by any other type of furniture. It has amazing flexibility to achieve a unique design and look that will fit in any type of decor. It is the perfect material for outdoor furniture, providing unmatched weather and wind durability. Rain and snow do not hurt it, and wind does not move it. When matched with re-purposed objects and glass, weathered wood or natural stone, concrete can provide breathtaking and long-lasting beauty.
We custom-design and build furniture from durable concrete materials for your patio and home. Furniture with unique textures and looks... from an industrial concrete (steam-punk) look to a classical antique-stone look, in muted natural colors or in colorful and bold tones. Your furniture can be smooth or textured, thick or thin, with inlaid designs or objects. We design and make custom glass table pedestals for end-tables, coffee-tables or dining rooms, as well as concrete table tops, benches and other furniture.
We have many furniture designs and works on the drawing-board right now... including several custom garden benches that use both wood and cast stone, concrete recliners, cast-stone bedside tables, lights, display bowls, and many more. If you can visualize what you want and explain it to us, we can probably enhance your vision and then design and build it for you. The only real limitation is your imagination and ours.
A small sample of what we have done appears below. Stay tuned for more furniture to be posted in the future as we start to build more this season.
Why spend large amounts of money on furniture that isn't what you really want or need?... when you can have artistic pieces custom built to fit exactly what you desire, for inside your home or out on your patio.
There is an organic look, feel and texture that can be achieved with cast concrete furniture that is unmatched by any other type of furniture. It has amazing flexibility to achieve a unique design and look that will fit in any type of decor. It is the perfect material for outdoor furniture, providing unmatched weather and wind durability. Rain and snow do not hurt it, and wind does not move it. When matched with re-purposed objects and glass, weathered wood or natural stone, concrete can provide breathtaking and long-lasting beauty.
We custom-design and build furniture from durable concrete materials for your patio and home. Furniture with unique textures and looks... from an industrial concrete (steam-punk) look to a classical antique-stone look, in muted natural colors or in colorful and bold tones. Your furniture can be smooth or textured, thick or thin, with inlaid designs or objects. We design and make custom glass table pedestals for end-tables, coffee-tables or dining rooms, as well as concrete table tops, benches and other furniture.
We have many furniture designs and works on the drawing-board right now... including several custom garden benches that use both wood and cast stone, concrete recliners, cast-stone bedside tables, lights, display bowls, and many more. If you can visualize what you want and explain it to us, we can probably enhance your vision and then design and build it for you. The only real limitation is your imagination and ours.
A small sample of what we have done appears below. Stay tuned for more furniture to be posted in the future as we start to build more this season.